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Colleagues might be interested in knowing just how extensively this site, designed by our partners, the NewMinE Lab at  the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano, Switzerland, has been used.

By 3rd December 2010, we had received some 39,024 visits from 177 countries, and 103,447 page downloads since the site was created in early December 2009.

As the above map indicates, the greatest number of visits were from the USA (20%), the UK (16%), and India (9%).

Visits to the site peaked during the conference itself, with there being 793 visits on 13th December 2010.  On the days of the conference itself (13th-16th December 2010) there were 2,634 visits and 6,839 page views.

By 18th December 2010, there had been 44,324 visits and 117,366 page views.